Warranty Terms - General Information

The manufacturer's warranties that govern exactly which components (if any) are covered varies from brand to brand. Although the industry standard may be a one or two year guarantee, a growing number of manufacturers are covering their products with five, seven and even lifetime warranties.

It is worth noting prior to purchasing a new stove that a typical manufacturer's warranty will only cover the body of the stove and will not include any movable components which require replacing during the typical lifespan of a stove due to wear and tear. Sometimes referred to as perishable or replaceable parts, these generally include (but not limited to) the following:

  • Insulating Fire Bricks (vermiculite or cast iron)
  • Rope Seals
  • Sealants
  • High Temp. Coatings
  • Grates
  • Baffle Plates
  • Glass
  • Operational Handles
  • Detachable Legs

A warranty is only valid if the stove installation has been signed off (certified) by a registered installer, building control body or local authority and serviced regularly. All warranties are invalid if this is not adhered to. Installation of replacement parts and consequential costs are at the customer's expense and under no circumstances will a manufacturer accept claims for damage directly or indirectly caused by a stove.

All components listed as not covered under warranty can be purchased through Glowing Embers.

As an authorized distributor of an extensive range of stoves, Glowing Embers are bound by the terms dictated within the manufacturer's warranty and user manual. Please read the relevant warranty terms below carefully:

Alpine Collection


Henley Stoves

Bronpi Calefaccion S.L.